The Story Behind Box of Prints
“What began as a vision became a reality…”
Box Of Prints LTD was founded in April 2016 by Zara Afflick with the aim of releasing boldness, optimism and passion to prints. From the first letter of these words, was created Box of Print, BOP.
The company specialises in creating unique printed fabrics, often regarded as vibrant and rich in layered textures.
Textiles designer Zara Afflick was born in Islington (London) in 1989. From an early age, she was inspired by the craftsmanship of clothing and in the world of creative arts. Zara studied Surface Design Technology at London College of Fashion; her major area of study was printed textile. Since graduating in 2013, Zara continued to create prints, which led to her freelancing for various designers/companies and later on making her own company
Zara desires to see a greater interest in the world of textile printing. She believes that this can be achieved if print is not only seen as just a print, but a story, a real part of history, culture, life experiences and day-to-day inspirations.
We ensure that our service and products tell a story and aim to introduce others to print processes.